
Continuing education for every single person…

The Restoration House believes in continuing education for all TRH stakeholders from; moms and children, staff, volunteers, board members, and community partners. Here are some valuable ways that we can help facilitate this growth.

From the Ground Up

The Restoration House (TRH) offers From The Ground Up: Best Practice Consulting and Training for organizations which want to implement programming similar to TRH. We know the value of learning from others.  It’s how we got our start.  We have had the pleasure of walking alongside a number of tremendous organizations over the years to help them increase their impact when working with single mothers and their children.  We take a strategic client centered approach, called “From the Ground Up”.

In order to ensure our own organizational efficiencies, maximize staff time, and ensure that our program families are well-served, The Restoration House does charge for consulting services and workshops. Fees are on a sliding scale based on the budget of the requesting organization. Complete our From the Ground Up Interest Form, and we will respond promptly.

Stage One

Building a Strong Foundation

Stage Two

The Framework

Stage Three

Make it Yours

Stage Four

Being a Good Neighbor

Ally Training

All moms at TRH are connected with an Ally Team made up of 2-3 individuals.  Volunteer Ally Teams focus on relational and spiritual well-being for families at TRH.

All allies will go through a training process which includes:

  1. COPE (Cost Of Poverty Experience) 3 hour poverty simulation to experience what it is like to live in poverty (can happen any time before becoming an Ally)
  2. Two hour introduction to becoming an Ally
  3. Read When Helping Hurts by Fikkert and Corbett
  4. A staff-facilitated “Ally Team Launch” where Allies and the family meet
  5. Two hour training for going deeper into the ally journey (Approximately 1 month after Ally Launch)
  6. Read Toxic Charity by Bob Lupton
  7. Ongoing communication, support and connection for the Ally team
  8. Supplemental trainings will also be offered at various times

Compassion Coalition

We partner with Compassion Coalition in numerous ways and highly recommend Knoxville Churches and Organizations connect with CC for invaluable training and other resource connections.

Compassion Coalition is a member based organization that exists to help the collective church respond to the needs that often go unmet in our city. These are “gap needs”. Compassion Coalition helps Knoxville churches by informing them of needs in Knoxville; equipping them through training; connecting them to areas of need and empowering them to serve in our community.

Faith and Finances

At The Restoration House we use Faith and Finances, a financial program created by The Chalmers Center.  We recommend this curriculum to all of our partners.  Chalmers will  train you on how to launch a financial education class for low-income adults at your church or nonprofit.

The Cost of Poverty Experience

COPE is an empathy building, bias breaking, poverty simulation. In just 3 hours you live a month in the life of a low-income family.

COPE gives a better understanding of what it is actually like to live in poverty, enabling you to serve with empathy and understanding.

*Ask about group rates for the Cost of Poverty Experience email